Gifted and Talent Development
Gifted and talented children are those students with outstanding abilities and capable of higher performance when compared to others of similar age, experience and environment.
They have significantly different educational needs from their peers and require educational differentiation as a regular part of their school day to ensure they reach their full potential.
District 196 Gifted and Talent Development Service Model Goals:
- Enrich, enhance, and extend core classroom curriculum and instruction within the literacy workshop and math workshop blocks. Staff utilize critical and creative thinking strategies, problem-solving and inquiry to help students become independent investigators. (NAGC standards 3.4)
- Engage and empower learners across the full day
- Equip PLC (professional learning community) teams and individual teachers
- Empower collaboration among classroom teachers, GTD specialists, coaches, parents, students, and community
Flexible and Fluid Tiered Service Model:
- Tier 1, Core classroom - Core classroom teacher, grade level PLC team, and GTD Specialist
- Tier 2, Guided groups - Core classroom teacher, grade level PLC team, and GTD Specialist
- Tier 3, 1:1 - Focused on individualized need - Core classroom teacher, and GTD Specialist
Students whose needs extend beyond the tiered service model may be referred for single subject and/or grade level acceleration.
Gifted and talent development services in District 196 is an inclusive, flexible and fluid model. A student does not need to be formally identified as gifted and talented to receive support for their high academic and learning ability and/or high achievement needs. Gifted services are provided through flexible grouping based on formative and ongoing assessment of student needs in the classroom based on the content and standards being presented at that time.