Welcome to Band!
The 5th grade band program consists of both small group lessons and full band rehearsals, with concerts presented in the winter and spring.
Students receive a 30-minute small group lesson once a week during the school year. These lessons take place during the school day and students are allowed to leave class to attend their weekly lesson. Lessons are where students learn to play their instrument.
After getting started on their instruments, all of the band members are joined together for weekly full band rehearsals. These rehearsals are held once a week in the school gym at a time TBD. Rehearsals are where students learn to play together as a band and prepare for the winter and spring concerts.
The Fifth Grade Band presents two concerts during the year so that parents, friends, and other relatives have the opportunity to hear their music and observe their progress. These concerts are open to the public and all are welcome!
Join Southview Band!